Sunday, November 28, 2021

Advent Inspiration

 Happy first Sunday of Advent! Here is an incredible quote from Reginald Lynch's Cleansing of the Heart

"Although [the humanity of Christ being conjoined to the divinity of Christ as an instrument] involves an obediential elevation of Christ's humanity, this union in itself is not the finality towards which the instrumentality of the Incarnation is directed; rather, the purpose of the Incarnation is the divination of the human person in grace." (p. 139)

I am just knocked off my seat. This author peers into the mystery of the union of the divinity and humanity of Christ, that unfathomable union which in itself is awe-inspiring. How does God become a human? How does a human become God? It is almost too much to even ask. 

But then this author says that this mystery, as glorious as it is, is not for its own sake. The union of the humanity of Christ to the divinity of Christ has as its real purpose us--the "divination of the human person in grace." How truly incredible that the Incarnation is not mainly about God, but is mainly about you. It is not ultimately to show God's greatness (which it does), but to accomplish our communion with God. 

That makes me want to think about Jesus, the Incarnate Son, in a new way. When you see a picture of the Buddha or your grandmother, you can think about that other person who may or may not be related to you. But when you think about Christ, it would be more fitting to understand his very existence as an existence inherently designed and oriented toward us. It is not just existing, but existing-for. 

Truly Christ is Immanuel, God with Us. Reaching out to us. 

Have a blessed and prayerful Advent!

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