Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Quote by Pope Francis

"As a mother takes upon herself the burdens and weariness of her children, so too, does God take upon Himself our sins and troubles. . . He wants to take us in his arms, protect us and free us from harm and evil." (Pope Francis, in Tbilisi, Georgia)
    Sebastian has a high fever and has been miserable for the past 24 hours.  I have held him non-stop, read books too him, caressed him, fed him, and cared for him through the night.  What I would do to alleviate his pain!  I certainly have put my life on hold to tend to his suffering.  This is just what mothers do.
     God designed motherhood for us to know something about His nature, His compassion, his dedication to us.  

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Sebastian's Big Day

   I knew he was ready--Sebastian was getting so frustrated, hating to see his siblings go off to school, and leaving him without playmates.  So I prayed, "Lord, help us find a good place for him!"
   Tuesday, Sebastian threw a fit in Mass and I thought, "He needs stimulation!  He needs playmates!" So I got in the car with him, googled the Mothers Day Out program a friend had told me about, and sure enough, it started at 9 am--in 20 minutes!  So I drove there, walked in, and they said they could take him.  I signed papers, and he was in.
   I said, "This is school, with teachers, children, and toys and games.  No moms."  He faced the classroom.  The teacher said, "Come on in!"  She took his hand.  He bravely walked forward.  He never looked back.  He did not cry at all.  He stayed and played all day!
   He went on Thursday again.  Coming home, he said, "Babies like me."  He patted his chest.  Then he said, "Girls like me."
   I thought, It has already begun!
   How happy I am for him!!  He needs these challenges and opportunities!