Saturday, October 27, 2012

Medieval Camp's Octoberfest!

     Tomorrow is the last of our four weekends of Medieval Camp--Jacob's creation, full of root beer brewing, and short lectures on Medieval culture, and sword fighting--that has been a smash hit (no pun intended).
     While the camp has been for boys, we are ending it with an Octoberfest for the campers and their families.  We are expecting 80 people!  We are currently making 2 briskets (that's a LOT of meat!), sausages on a stick, home made Boston baked beans (my favorite), corn, green beans, potatoes and rolls.  It is BYOB.
     I cannot wait!  This is the highlight of my fall!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Genius of Forgiveness

     I know a man who has a grudge.
     As I have watched this man make choices, constantly accommodating his grudge--avoiding seeing the person he has a grudge against, etc.--it makes me feel sad for him.
     Those who know how to forgive had a real advantage in life.
     They are not enchained by other people's errors, sins and misdemeanors.
     Rather, they get to be in charge of where they go, whom they see, what they do.  They let the real judge, the Divine Judge, punish the wrong doer.  They can let go of the burden of other people's sins, and are free to roam where ever they choose.

     There is a genius of forgiveness.
     It takes insight to see that forgiving does not condone; it does not accept wrong doing.  It is just saying, "I will let someone else, namely God, have vengeance on that person." (Romans 12:21)
     Forgiveness is also insightful because it is consistent with the fact that each of us sometimes is the one in the wrong, and we would like others to forgive us.  It is intelligent to act in a way that does not set a double standard, but extends to others what we wish to have extended to us.
     Even when the offender is not sorry, we should forgive, just as Christ on the cross said: "Father, forgive them, for they knew not what they do."  Christ forgave those who were crucifying him--clearly, they were not repentant.
    This is part of the genius of forgiveness.  It is not contingent on other people getting their choices right.  It is how to keep your power, your integrity, and your autonomy in a world of broken people.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Teaching Clare to Read

     I have realized that, since Jake and Mary can obviously read, and Leigh is reading, I only have one more child to teach to read for a long time!  (Annie is pretty far down the pike).
     It will be such a relief having everyone reading!
     I am working with Clare twice a day on reading exercises.  She knows I have gotten serious.  I have really put the pressure on.  And she is responding well.  She is improving every day.  She just has to get those mechanics down.  She has SO MANY phonograms memorized.  But it is the technique of following along from the first to the second letter and so on, not jumping around, not adding sounds that are not there, not guessing--just sticking to the letters or phonograms in the right order, and then synthesizing that and coming up with meaning--that we are after.  It is an orderliness of the mind's functions that I can foster but not give her--she has to generate it; she has to will it.  She is SO CLOSE.  Her siblings are praying for her, rooting for her, encouraging her.  I just KNOW this is going to happen any day now!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Henry V

     I love our youth group!  It's called SHYN: Sacred Heart Youth Night.  Its talent show is this weekend.  Jacob is ready!
     I also love homeschooling: 
1) Can you hear the pencil sharpener running through the whole clip?  We got a new one today, and the girls are sharpening every single colored pencil and lead pencil in the house. 
2) We do our schooling barefoot!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Who will be the greatest?

     What make a person great?  What makes a person successful, special?  What signifies that they have grown into their real and full potential?

     "Whoever wishes to be great among you will be your servant; whoever wishes to be first among you will be the slave of all.  For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many."  (Mk. 10:45)

     Marriage and motherhood is one real path to greatness.  Serving in the Spirit of God, putting yourself last, and giving your life for others--this is the way of Christ within family.

     What is one's potential to LOVE?  Growing into that is to grow into one's fullest potential.  

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Getting Into the Swing of Things

     Finally, after a whole quarter, getting into the swing of school this year!
     Things that helped: taking standardized tests last week and seeing where each child is; a friend suggesting new way to think about co-op; and just realizing that JOY is up to us, and we can just choose it!

   I finally like this academic year!!  Yay!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Wonderful Mom

I love Mom.  Her heart is always in the right place.  Who is humbler or more determined in the search for love, authenticity and generosity than this lady?

Truly, I know of none!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Called to Love

     A man who is very big in the Catholic publishing world came to our home and visited with Ron and me.  He was giving us advise on possible projects.
     When I explained to him my idea for a book on the importance of motherhood and its worthiness as a whole life's vocation, and that I imagined it being published through the Image Books division of Random House in NYC, he said, "Oh, that is perfect!"  He kept repeating it, "Yes, that is the right publisher."  And, "Yes, that is an excellent project."
     He said things like, "The religious section at Barnes and Noble is populated with women customers, and yet there are so few books on women and by women.  Yes, your book will surely make a buck.  Yes, that is an outstanding project."
     But I have had a strange reaction since that meeting.  I do not feel called to a public life, in which I would need to promote such a book.  Some people are called to a public life, and I think that is important.  For example, a person might have a calling to be an evangelist, a preacher, a servant of the poor, an actor, or an athlete--all of these jobs could be very glorifying to God.  And they would or could be public.
    But my call is not to evangelism or teaching or any of the above vocations.  My calling is to love.  The main person I am called to love is God.
    Why did God make the world?  He made it so that the world might love Him.
    But a lot of people do not love him.
    I want to be part of the world that is actively, all day long, LOVING GOD.
    One way to love God is through a prayer in my heart.
    Another way to love God is to love the people in my life.  I love God through loving them.  
    That is why being a wife and mother is so rich and powerful: it is fulfilling the purpose of the created UNIVERSE in your all-day-every-day existence.
   So for now, anything I write will be private, and not published.  I will obey my instructions from God: LOVE.  Don't evangelize or teach or fix or solve.  Rather, LOVE.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Fall Break

     I love Fall Break.  I took the kids to a bookstore to get a book for Jacob and they got several educational items--so strange to me how much they want to learn! We came home and set up two teams (Jake and Leigh versus Mary and Clare) to compete on number of hours put into three goals: musical instrument practice, memorizing the presidents, and learning Italian.  Their competition is underway!
    Meanwhile, I got to review my recipes, put together shopping lists and gluten-free bread flour mixes, and think about my next quilt.  The best part was tuning my cello and playing for the first time in a while.  I am working on "O Sacred Head Surrounded," my favorite hymn.  Ah, I really needed to rest!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Girl Power!

Clare's soccer debut was this weekend! Her coach congratulated her for not letting the ball in the goal (even though it did not get near the goal!).  She kept waving at us from the field.  So precious!!!

Go, Clare! 

Saturday, October 6, 2012


     Our sweet dog Rosie died--a little unexpectedly, on the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi.
     That dog was a faithful companion to us, through our whole life with children.  We got her when I was pregnant with Jacob, and she has been with us through six pregnancies, five live births, four homes, countless camping trips, and seemingly ten thousand children who came over to play.  She was gentle, loyal, and helped make our family what it is today.

     Thank you, Rosie!  We love you!  It is strangely empty in this house without you! 


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Breathing the Gospel

John Paul II

 "What actually is the Rosary? A compedium of the Gospel. It brings us back again and again to the most important scenes of Christ's life, almost as if to let us''breathe' his mystery. The Rosary is the privileged path to contemplation. It is, so to speak, Mary's way. Is there anyone who knows and loves Christ better?"