Saturday, January 20, 2018


     Annie is seven.  She came home from school on Friday with big news: Luca likes her.
     Today, I found a note she had written to her sister, Leigh.  It says: "Leigh, don't tell anyone but. . . (unfold here)."  Then, inside, it reads, "Luca likes me!!!!!!!!!!!  (frowny face with tears coming down) And I mean LOVES me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (another frowny face with tears)"
     So cute I cried laughing!

Relishing These Days

  I am relishing each day, as I know these days with all our kids at home are limited.  Jacob will go to college in 2 and a half years. :(
  I took Jacob and Clare to get flu shots--and we decided to make the most of it and get frozen yogurt (even though it was 20 degrees).
I love these days!

Thursday, January 18, 2018

miracle brownies

   Baking and I are not friends.  When I bake something from scratch, it always turns out too dry, too hard, or too crumbly.  Despite that, I got a wild hair to bake something.  I dug up an old recipe for brownies.  From scratch--this is daunting to me.
   Sebastian and I pulled out all the ingredients and he did lots of the pouring and stirring.
   Out came perfect brownies!
   (My other kids were perfectly astonished, as though I had told them I can speak Russian).

Wednesday, January 17, 2018


   What a relief!!  For the first time in three years, I am seeing a tiny bit of progress with Sebastian!
He is an "alpha"--our most intense, headstrong child.  I've never seen anything like it.  And I'm too old and tired to have my hardest child in my mid-40's!  Its a major struggle.  Daily.
   Well this morning, I was helping one daughter with writing a sympathy card before school.  As we diligently worked on it, Sebastian blasted into the room, shouting commands and questions at me, just being his normal, intense self.
   I looked up calmly and said, "Sebastian, ask me, 'Mom, are you available?'"  This is what I do with everyone in the house, a lovely little trick we learned from A New Way to Love (relationship enrichment program).  Don't assume people are available for you to start talking.  Stop, look, and see if they are engaged in something else.  If they might be, ask, "Are you available for me to tell you about my day/about something?" etc.  It's really very respectful and I love it since, having a husband and six kids, several people are usually talking to me at once.  So, Sebastian has heard this his whole life.  But he's never been anywhere close to using it.  I mean, he's the exact opposite.  He pellets comments and commands like he is shooting a machine gun.  
   This morning, I calmly told him, "As me if I am available."  He walked out of the room.  I kept working on the card.
   Three minutes later, when I was done with the card, he walked back in the room.
   "Mom, are you vail-LE?"
    I looked up blankly, and muttered, "Huh?"  I had no idea what his mumbles meant.
   "Mom, are you VAIL-BLE????"  He asked more emphatically.
    OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  HE SAID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

19th Anniversary

  What a blessing!  Ron and I had a a whole week of celebrating, thanks to Mom and Dad who watched the kids for a weekend!  Then, on the day itself, we had a family feast.  Such a joy!  I love my family!  Thank you, Lord!

Friday, January 5, 2018

Love In Your House

"Spread love everywhere you go: first of all in your own house. Give love to your children, to your wife or husband, to a next door neighbor... Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of God's kindness; kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile, kindness in your warm greeting."
                                                                    --Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

God's Forgiving Love

"God’s love is like that of a foolish shepherd who leaves the 99 sheep in order to search for the one that has been lost.  It is like a woman, who for the sake of one lost coin, sweeps every corner of the house and is not satisfied until she finds it.  God is like the father watching the road for his son who had squandered his share of the family inheritance; when he spots him, forgetting about his dignity, runs to meet him, embraces and kisses him.  He does not even wait until the son finishes his confession of sins but has the finest robes put on him and orders a splendid banquet. . . This festive banquet to which the sinner and the Pharisee are both invited is the central image of the Kingdom.  In Jesus’ message metanoia, a complete change of heart, and way of life, begins with accepting this invitation to God’s banquet. Accepting the invitation includes the grateful acceptance of God’s undeserved forgiveness of our sins and the adopting of God’s forgiving attitude toward those who have sinned against us.  If we do not imitate God’s forgiveness toward those who have offended us, God will revoke the forgiveness of our own sins (Mt. 18:21).  Thus, the love of their enemies becomes the most characteristic attitude of those who undergo metanoia."   (Roch Kereszky, O.Cist. Jesus Christ: Fundamentals of Christology, p. 113)  

Monday, January 1, 2018

A Great Day for Mothers

     Today is a huge day for Catholic mothers.
     First, it is the feast day of Mary Mother of God.  Today we celebrate the vocation of motherhood being re-made, given a spiritual dimension, given eternal and infinite significance.  It is the real Mothers' Day.  It is the day that I remember how grateful I am that I belong to the only Church or religion in the world that heralds motherhood as a deeply spiritual calling.
     Second, it is the first day of 2018, the year that marks the 50th anniversary of Humanae Vitae.   This encyclical is the one that reconsidered the Church's teachings on marriage and openness to life, and even in light of a changing culture, maintained the Church's ban on artificial contraception.  As such, it is the encyclical that makes Catholic mothers a new kind of saint.  Catholic mothers who adhere to this teaching are a new kind of saint, a new kind of spiritual martyr, a new kind of witness to the faith.
    For me, being open to life has been (and continues to be) a form of giving my life to God, of making an oblation of myself to God.  I have spent most of my married life pregnant or nursing, and focused on someone else at the expense of my personal interests or the development of my skills or talents.  It has been one thousand percent for other people, and negative one thousand percent for myself.  I have not gotten good sleep in twenty years.  I have lived at a frenetic pace for twenty years.  I have not thought about myself for more than about five minutes at a time for twenty years.  Like so many other Catholic mothers, I am the seed that fell to the ground.  My accomplishments are unrealized.  My hopes and dreams are unrealized.  My personal gains are unrealized.  That is all because of the Catholic Church and Humanae Vitae.
    But as the Scripture says, the seed that falls to the ground dies, in order to bear fruit.  The Catholic Church teaches her mothers how to be like Christ, how to carry crosses with Christian dignity, how to give our lives in self-donation for the good of others.  Yes, my self-absorbed self did not get what it wanted.  My ego did not get its appetite satiated.  The dreams confined to my myopic vision did not get realized.  But I have received a broader vision.  I have happened upon new goals.  I have chanced upon new dreams.  And they are better.
    The Church is a good mother to her mothers.  The Church helps her mothers establish lasting impact and have meaningful lives. If only we succumb to her guidance, we may find lasting happiness.
   And one day, we will get some sleep.