Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Day 26--Manic Monday

    Somehow as the weeks go by, the family gets sweeter. Annie is in heaven getting to talk on the phone with her friend Maria back home; Clare is overjoyed not to have to go to school and all the kids celebrate a reduction in total work-time since class time inevitably results in some wasting of time.
    Sebastian might be the one best effected by the quarantine. He is in a match-box house crammed with his seven favorite people. There is always someone to sword fight, someone to paint or do Play-Dough with. Annie has become very good at being with him. Today I spent several hours organizing his toys into categories: Ancient (gladiators), Medieval (knights), police, outer space, and farm (all tiny pieces from sets). Then there are the other bins for stuffed animals, weapons and costumes. He played for hours and hours--all day--without a peep. He was so happy to dive into his imaginary worlds.
    For a child who used to throw fits regularly and frequently, they are just G-O-N-E. He runs into my lap, hugs and kisses me, tells me he loves me. He obeys, and when he does not, he giggles and we all get a good laugh. His rebellion has disappeared. He also used to have a resistance to eating. I worried that he had acid reflux. We gave him an over-the-counter medication for 6 months to remedy it. But now, he eats full portions. It may take lots of reminders to take a bite, but he is now eating three-egg tacos or a whole bowl full of pasta or 2 bowls of Greek yogurt at one sitting. He loves green beans and green peas--a mother's dream! This is pretty big improvement. He is the opposite temperament from Jacob: Sebastian is silly and very emotional. Jacob was such a stoic, gentle, observant, careful child, determined to do right. Sebastian just has a different approach to life. But very sweetly, he sleeps with a teddy bear and a crucifix.

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