Monday, March 2, 2020


    The coronavirus has hit our family. Not by way of infection, but by way of the tidal waves of responsiveness to its presence here in Italy. Last week, Ron and I went to a supermarket and stockpiled food for our our family in the case of a lock down. All school-sponsored events have been canceled, and schools may close here as they have in Lombardy and Naples. Then today, the University of Dallas announced its repatriation of students. They will be flying back to the US this week.
    Ron and I feel safe from the virus, and no one in our family is in a category (such as being an infant or elderly) that makes them especially vulnerable. We are grateful for our health and safety. The tragedy, to me, is our beloved Italy being hit so hard financially. It is already such a poor country, and I lament for them the economic losses that are already happening especially due to the sudden halt to travel to Italy. Business and tourism has just come to a virtual stop. So hard!
    As for us, who knows what the future holds. I can imagine lots of scenarios since Ron's work is now suspended. But I know that "All things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose" (Rom. 8:28). I trust that God has us in the palm of His hand.

1 comment:

  1. You are always welcome in my home! But I pray for the restoration and prosperity of Italy!
