Sunday, March 25, 2012

lotta lotta

Lotta strawberries

Lotta roses

Lotta spinach
Lotta harvesters!

     As it is harvest time for our winter and early spring garden this year, I am taken with how much I have worked, toiled, and labored over the past decades.  For the first time in my life, I have a strong sense that it is time to stop sowing, and start harvesting--and feasting.  It is time to reap what has been born, and then have a party and celebrate!  That means enjoying my time with my husband, first and foremost.  What a joy to have such a marriage.  We have never been so happy--like newlyweds but without the timidity and sense of risk.  Secondly, it means enjoying daily life with my children.  We have come to a new place of peace and levity.  Each of the five is in a remarkably good place.  That does not happen often.  It also means spending time with people like my mom and dad, sisters and brothers--relationships that have been blessed.  Lastly, it means NOT thinking, "I have thirty minutes of free time--shall I work on my manuscript?"  NO!  That is sowing!  That is laboring on another project.  It is time to stop laboring, and enjoy the harvest! 
     If someone tilled, hoed, sowed, watered, fed, weeded, mulched and harvested, and then did not feast, they would be crazy.  To bring all that hard-earned produce into the home, and then let it rot, while tilling a new plot--sheer idiocy!  I shall not do that.  I am harvesting, and our family is beginning our feast.  
     Praise God!  I understand saying a sincere prayer of thanks and blessing before a meal--it would not be, without the majesty and constant help of the Creator.  
     I've got a lotta thanks!

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