Sunday, July 5, 2020

Happy 4th!

How do you celebrate the fourth of July when you live abroad? Clare's answer: Make fried chicken! We bought a deep fryer (we had been pondering this purchase for a whole year since we have ambitions to make suppli--Italian rice balls--and french fries). We spent several days trying it out and getting used to it. Then the big day arrived! Clare and I started cooking at 9am and we finished at 7pm. Her recipe was for buttermilk southern fried chicken, and so we made buttermilk from scratch. it turned out so well! So did the onion rings--they were incredible. We had a family over for dinner and had a delightful time! Clare's chicken was a big hit! Leigh was also a pro in the kitchen--she made mashed potatoes with the homemade butter (from the buttermilk event) and also made homemade peach cobbler and fruit salad. It was really to die for. 
My favorite part: there is an expression: "Too many cooks in the kitchen ruins the stew." In our case, most of the 8 of us were in the kitchen for 10 hours, and we got along so well. It was a really joyful time. Who knew that was even possible?

God bless (and help!) America! 

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