Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Leigh KellyAnne--Remarkable!


This is a young woman who wanted to get confirmed, found a program that would allow her to join, reminded us to take her to confirmation preparation. . . she showed a complete commitment to the sacrament! 

This is a young woman who just amazed our most recent dinner guest when she told him that her original intention for learning German was to be able to read Ratzinger in the original. 

This is a young woman who is taking all her high school courses--biology, chemistry, physics, history, literature, math, etc.--all in German. She is crushing Italian and French along the way. 

This is a young woman who just passed all her classes with flying colors, and has already taken two subjects for her maturità--the killer exam at the end of the fifth year of high school in Italy. 

This is a young woman who could study at practically any university worldwide if she wanted to. Her economics/law track for high school sets her up for international law and business one day if she so desires. 

This is a young woman who throws a fabulous party, is adored by her whole class, and is a favorite of each one in our family. Who can get on the bad side of Leigh (does she have a bad side)?

She was one of the cutest 5-year-olds in human history. It is astonishing to see her grow into such a class-act adult! Way to go, Leigh!!! Stay gold! 

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