About teaching: it has such a draw. I like teaching, and I like doing something that is rewarding.
But just because I can, does not mean I ought to do it. A person's got to know her goals. If my goal is a certain kind of family relationship, which it is, then teaching as enrichment, yes. But teaching instead of family, no.
Even one class during the summer program is something I should not do: I NEED A BREAK. By the time the summer comes, I need to recover. Working instead of recovering from the school year would be to squander a gorgeous opportunity to refresh for the next year. Just because teaching has an allure, does not mean that it is right.
Homeschooling is H.A.R.D. It is so hard that I have been unsure whether or how long I can continue. But as soon as I travel very far down that road, wondering about putting them all in school, I realize that we have something special, and I know that part of that "specialness"is because of homeschooling. I think the benefits will come for the duration of my adulthood as well as those of our children: they will have a bond with Ron and me that is just irreplaceable.
That is my goal: to have given myself as completely as possible to my family relationships. It is a reflection of the Trinity, it is the pursuit of divine love, and as such, is something that lasts past death. If teaching or giving a presentation or writing something for the benefit of someone else can be done in a small way that does not interfere with that pursuit, then I would enjoy it. But as soon as I am overextended, then I am hurting those relationships, my pursuit and myself, and as attractive as it might have been, it is just not a good option. You gotta know your goals!
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