Saturday, May 7, 2011

May Crowning

     In these past two weeks, I have given far more than I actually had in establishing a new, revitalized home school community.  I have spent hours and hours in meetings with the current steering committee.  We have tried many solutions on for size.  Ultimately, one new group is being founded out of the new, Tridentine Mass parish, and I am establishing a second new group for families who are not members of that parish.  They are going to be the Homeschooling Families of the Immaculate Heart, and we are going to be the Homeschooling Families of the Sacred Heart.  Together, our alliance is called "Two Hearts."
     I have consecrated each step along the way to the two hearts, and they have carried me through.  The grace has been palpable, and I am so much more trusting in the grace of God than I have been in my whole life.  Jesus said to become like little children.  As I step up to lead the group, the only way is to step down and become trusting and joyful like a tiny child.
    This Wednesday is our first major event, the May Crowning.  It is the kickoff event.  I pray that in preparing for it and executing it on Wednesday, each of us will hear our call to be, like Mary, queens, crowned because we carry the crucified Christ within us, sharing Him with the world.  

1 comment:

  1. Love it! The names are perfect! Ingenious! Praying for you! God is AWESOME!
