Yesterday, I decided to trick the blues by reconfiguring the school day--I made the whole day an art project day. The kids made books.
It was the right thing to do: Clare and Leigh got to be front and center (unusual on a school day) and their behavior improved dramatically as a result. Jake and Mary worked on their composition and drawing skills, and so it was great for them. The baby was sleeping her sickness off--so we all got a little change of pace!
As they were working on their books, I was hoping to get a chance to work on my composition skills soon! I have a book/essay in my head, and I have dictated on voice memo. But I am eager to write it out. It is personal testimony and philosophical theology all at the same time. There seems like no chance to work on it--this project is tenth in line, behind a writing project I am already committed to, filling the dirt in my raised beds, cooking, bills, multiple business items, and laundry! But sometimes, just scrapping the plans and making a book is the thing to do!
you know this makes Mrs. Jenn so very happy!