Thursday, September 21, 2023

Sebastian's first day at a new school

It takes a lot of guts to walk into a huge building full of loud, Italian kids and show up for the first day of 4th grade. So-so on his Italian, so-so on his math facts, exceptional in his manners, thoughtfulness and sensitivity to other people, Sebastian is sure to succeed. Go, Sebo!

New Family Configuration

 Aren't they gorgeous?

A Special Dinner for Peter


Texas, USA, Summer 2023

 What a blast of a trip to Texas! Time in Alvin. . . time at the Circle K. . . we are blessed by family, old and new! Warmest greetings to the Peseks, our newest family-to-be! 

THANK YOU, JANE ROMBS!!! Your pottery hobby is a new favorite of my girls! 

Annie's solo in the Byzantine choir

 I am re-posting the video of Annie's solo over a year ago, because I realized I had the wrong video up. Here is her beautiful performance!