Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Catacombs, Monte Cassino and Fossanova

 The University of Dallas Summer Program traveled to the Roman Catacombs where little Sebastian (behind the candle) served at Mass with Fr. Thomas Esposito. What a blessing! 

Then we traveled to Monte Cassino, the Benedictine abbey where Thomas Aquinas began his education and where Saints Benedict and Scholastica are buried--twins buried side by side. Ron gave his amazing talk on monasticism and medieval beer-brewing. 

We also visited Fossanova where I gave my talk, "Who Is Thomas Aquinas?" It was such a joy of a trip! 

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Covington Retreat--Mighty Is Her Call

I'm giving glory to God today for a beautiful, powerful retreat for mothers at St. Peter Parish in Covington, Louisiana. It was well worth flying in from Rome to be with--arguably--my favorite community in the world! I can't wait for the professional photos to come in so that I can post the gorgeous ladies that prayed and reflected with us yesterday! 

Missing this Girl!

 This is the girl I am going to miss like crazy for the next 3 weeks! Clare had a birthday party extraordinaire for her seventeenth birthday. Cocktail-Party-Extravaganza! 

Now she is in New Orleans with me. We spent a spectacular weekend with our friends and had a Mighty Is Her Call retreat. Now I am headed home to Rome while she remains here with our friends for 2 weeks. Then she goes to Alvin to be with her grandad and Gigi for a week. Reuniting after that will be SO GOOD! 

I love you, sweet Clare!