Annie turns 12 tomorrow--and what a day it has been! She had her first solo performance in our church choir. We belong to the Abby of Grottaferrata, a church founded by Greek Catholics (in 1004 AD) before the Schism (in 1054 AD). So for all these years, it has been a Byzantine community of liturgy and worship, in communion with Rome. We just love the union of the two traditions. While I do not completely understand it (I am neither a historian nor a liturgist), I can say that my experience is very "universal" or "Catholic." Here is Annie in her debut!
We also gave her her birthday present--a BUNNY! It is the softest, sweetest little thing. This breed is often used as therapy pets (I'm thinking, "I could use a therapy pet!"). Everyone in our family took turns holding this shaking little critter and I am confident that, within a week, s/he will be totally at home (gender yet unspecified).