Thursday, October 28, 2021

Theological Thursday: Our Daily Bread

 Isn't it interesting that Jesus taught us to pray, "Give us this day our daily bread"?

As a comfortable 21st century American, I am rarely hungry for long. I usually interpret this verse spiritually, asking God to supply all my needs and help me rely on him rather than engage in self-sufficiency or a Pelagian self-reliance. 

But today I was hungry. Really hungry. And I was not sure when I would get food. I have been hungry a lot recently, since I am now in Rome everyday, usually for about 6 hours. I have not sorted to whether to bring food with me or wait until I get home to eat, and I've tried various options with little success (since I don't eat breakfast foods that are easily portable.) Today I was overcome with hunger and it almost felt like an existential crisis. I broke down and bought a spicy salami panini (doesn't that even sound delicious?). I usually avoid everything in it--pork, cheese and white bread. But I devoured it like I had not eaten in a week. 

Then somehow the Lord's Prayer came to mind. I had prayed it multiple times already today. But that verse came to my mind. I thought, "Who would suggest a prayer for daily bread to rich people? Rich people don't worry about their daily bread. They worry about hiring the cooks who make the bread or the investments that generated the money that paid for the bread. But daily bread is not a wealthy person's prayer." 

I realized that Christ really did speak to the poor. He loved the poor. He identified with the poor. In many ways, he was poor. I love that. It really helps me to embrace the poverty in my life, and detach from worldly concerns. 

Monday, October 25, 2021

Frascati Museum

 Annie and I had a wonderful time meeting up in Frascati with some other parents and students from her class. We went to the museum in Frascati where there are remains dating back to the 4th c. B.C! This area is rich, fertile and temperate. Culture after culture has re-made it for themselves. And here we are! There was also an art competition for local artists. The theme is "wine" and 200 artists submitted versions on that theme. It was really fun to see the creativity of so many people. 

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Appian Way

 I had a lovely stroll down the ancient Appian Way, the Appia Antica, with an accomplished tour guide, Annie. She had gone with her class and learned so much. She shared with me all along the way! We walked for 3.5 hours! 

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

The Italian Alps

They are ALL they are cracked up to be! In 5th grade, Annie learned about all the regions of Italy in her Italian school. She fell in love with Trentino Alto Adige, one of the alpine regions in northern Italy. She has raved about it for over a year. She says she wants to move there when she grows up. 

Finally, we had a window to travel, and so Annie, Leigh, Clare, Sebastian and I high-tailed it to the mountains by train. It was breathtaking and restorative. The town we visited, Merano, is known for its therapeutic hot springs. It is a quaint, classy, adorable little village right on the Adige River. We are desperately hoping to go back when they have their Christmas market! And when Annie moves there, I am sure to follow her!