Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Movie Recommendation

Annie (age 11) and I just watched Quo Vadis. Oh my goodness, this is such a great movie. It is about Nero, his tyrannical regime, the burning of Rome, and the persecution of Christians. Annie's take-away was that Christianity made a HUGE improvement on paganism, Christianity helped women in establishing their rightful dignity, that government officials have a duty to uphold the public good and do not have the freedom to put their own good over that of the people, and that Christians have something truly remarkable in their spirit of love, forgiveness and pacifism. It was rather violent for an 11 year old, and that is the youngest age I think it is suitable for. That said, all the older people in my family benefit from seeing it. 

Quo Vadis is available for rent on Apple TV. I hope you enjoy!

Monday, August 23, 2021

VLOGGING Santa Maria in Trastevere

Although I have 6 episodes of "Captivated by Motherhood" up on my YouTube channel, my sweet son Jacob said, "Mom, you should just vlog stuff as well!" And so it begins, with this short clip on one of the oldest and most famous churches in Rome, Santa Maria in Trastevere: 

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Rest in Peace, Fr. Joe Koeterski

 I am grieving the loss of my dear friend and mentor, Fr. Joseph Koterski, S.J. He died suddenly of a heart attack as he was giving a retreat at Fordham University, his place of residence and work. 

  He taught me Thomas Aquinas and was my spiritual director as I was in graduate school and coming into the church. How we will miss you, Fr. Joe!

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

New Video Podcast

 The long-awaited second episode of my video podcast, "Captivated by Motherhood," is now live! Watch it here:

Episode 3 is coming soon! 

Friday, August 6, 2021

Sebastian in the Hospital

After multiple doctors' visits to figure out why he has such bad acid reflux, Sebastian was admitted to the Children's Hospital in Dallas to do a procedure on his GI track. I was grateful to be in the US, grateful for good medical care. I was grateful that the docs would give him general anesthesia so he would be able to handle the whole ordeal. The doctors were fantastic with Sebastian, and "took care" of Boo the puppy dog. 

But who was going to give me some anesthesia?? Golly! What stress! 

Thankfully, we got news today: Sebastian does not need surgery. He has an irritated stomach (we knew that!) but all he needs is a regime of meds. Whew! That is a relief! 

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Snow in Rome Today

 Today, despite the oppressive August heat, it will “snow” in Rome. It is the day that the Church commemorates the Basilica of Saint Mary Major. The story goes that in the 4th century, a couple who had not been able to conceive prayed to the Virgin Mary to obtain for them a child. Mary appeared to them in a vision and said she wanted a church built in her honor, and to demonstrate her wish, she would have snow fall on the hill where the church was to be built. The pope had a dream that night to the same effect. The next day, on the 5th of August, it snowed on the Esquiline Hill. The pope immediately began construction of the church. To celebrate the origins of this Basilica, during the High Mass on this feast day, white rose petals are dropped from the dome of the church, reminiscent of snow. One other rose petal dropping is traditional in Rome, red petals falling from the oculus of the Pantheon on Pentecost. 

The Basilica of St. Mary Major has dozens of mosaics from the 5th century, the oldest in Rome and one of the oldest in all of Italy (second to Ravenna). The mosaics, originally 42, tell salvation history from Abraham through the birth of Christ. While the mosaics tell the story of Christ as the fulfillment of the promises of God to the Jewish people, Mary is the one through whom the promises are realized. As such, she is celebrated as a regal figure in the mosaics. In 431, the Ecumenical Council of Ephesus affirmed the unity of the 2 natures of Christ (human and divine), and as a result, Mary’s title as theotokos was upheld and re-affirmed (it had been in use since ancient times until Nestorius challenged it). The Basilica of St. Mary Major was dedicated to Mary as theotokos by Pope Sixtus III after the Council.  


There is a lot to love about the Basilica we celebrate today, August 5th: the gold on the ceilings is that brought back by Christopher Columbus to Spain and given as a gift by Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain; relics from Bethlehem; and a beautiful ancient image of Mary, under which Pope John Paul II kept an oil lamp lit throughout his pontificate. My personal favorite, however, is the mosaic of the dormition of Mary. Next to the sleeping Mary is the adult Christ, holding the infant Mary, symbolic of holding her soul as she departs this life. It is the inverse of the Madonna and Child image—here, it is Jesus holding the Child Mary. 


Only Catholics would have a feast day dedicated to a building! To the Protestant mind, it’s hard enough to venerate saints. And now, brick and mortar? But I understand that this ancient site is a sacred space. It heralds and holds the message: Christ is the fulfillment of all of God’s promises to humanity, and that fulfillment occurred through the fiat of a woman and mother. Mary’s “yes” led to the satisfaction of all our desires and the soothing of all our restlessness. God gives us his very self, and he does so through this mother.  

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Webinar on my Book!

 Hey Friends! I'll be offering an interview on my new book on Tuesday, August 10 at 1pm CST. It is a webinar hosted by Our Sunday Visitor Press.

Please register here!

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

My Book!

10 years of writing and it is finally out! I am overjoyed! So many friends, family and colleagues have inundated me with private and public messages of support and enthusiasm. 

My good friend Susanna wrote me: "So much sweat, blood, tears, love, labor, toilet-plunging, speaking, founding, studying, reflecting, dreaming, hoping and praying--all incarnated now in this book." What a friend who knows me so well and has walked and prayed along this journey with me!

Please find the book here for purchase. It is the perfect wedding gift, baby shower gift, gift for a young single woman discerning her vocation, book for teaching women about vocations, or gift for a mother in the trenches who needs a boost.

Monday, August 2, 2021

A Home We Love

 We have made the choice not to sell our house. Even though it is hard to manage from abroad, we know we will eventually move back to the U.S., and that house is the one we want to return to. In the meantime, we will make some repairs and renovations, and then may rent it out again. 

  It would be easy to sell that house. It is a wonderful house and Dallas is experiencing a strong seller's market. Ron and I are both detached and do not need anything so nice. But I think we would have seller's remorse. Our family has wonderful memories in that house and we have all lived there. Buying a house that the older kids never lived in would not be the same. We have an era ahead packed with family fun and time together. It is the perfect place for the season that awaits us. 

  This is the fruit of almost 6 weeks in Dallas this summer. Discerning whether to sell or keep, then starting at least 5 renovation projects, finding a property manager (our very own Jacob Rombs) and 2 general contractors plus a variety of companies to work with (irrigation, gutters and beyond). Man oh man! It is no small thing! But I count myself incredibly blessed and thank God for the opportunity to have a home we love.