In my quest to find 52 new movies that I really like in 2021, I have come upon some good kids' movies. I am not counting these in my list, because I would not watch them for myself. But it is always a relief to discover some fresh new shows for the family.
All three of these are made with kids in mind and are family-friendly. All three, however, have some bad language and have the PG rating. They are a step "older" than Disney movies, but are good for 8-15 year olds.
The first is Akeelah and the Bee, a movie about a girl in South Los Angeles who discovers her talent for competing in spelling bees.
The second is The Sandlot, a movie with a similar vibe but less heavy than Stand By Me.
The third is Big Miracle, a Drew Barrymore movie set during the Cold War, tracing many competing factions and even world powers pulling together to save some trapped whales.
Please respond to this post and tell me your good ideas! I need your help because here in Italy we are going through another lockdown! We cannot go out or leave our little township. Restaurants, shops and most everything: Closed. We need help having a party at home!