Monday, January 28, 2019

Thank you Gigi and Papa Ronnie!

Papa Ronnie, Gigi and Gracie were so kind to be at our home with our kids for a whole week while we were house and school hunting in Italy.  Thank you! You (Papa in particular) seemed completely destroyed by our daily life. . . We're SORRY!  Six kids is a lot, eh!?
   It was also a JOY for our kids to be with Anna and Samatha for a few days.  Our kids raved about their time together and what wonderful people they are.  So glad to have you as our FAMILY!!

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Blessed Community, Blessed Retreat

Our Catholic community here in Dallas and Irving had a Mighty Is Her Call retreat at Holy Family Catholic Church.  What a blessed morning!  Over 90 moms attended.  It was the first Mighty Is Her Call retreat I did not plan: our Mighty team did a top notch job!  The speakers were amazing. The Mass and opportunity for Confession was a gift—thank you Fr. Philip and Fr. Albert!
Catholic mothers have an in credo important job and need all the encouragement they can get. #mighty!

Speaker Annie Muller: “The Acts of Mercy in Motherhood “

Anne Tierney, Board Member of Mighty Is Her Call Inc. 

Monday, January 14, 2019

Having quite a time!

Ron and I are having quite a time in Italy!  We have worked around the clock, checking out schools and housing possibilities.  We have braved dozens of housing brokers in Italian, asking about rent, square footage (meterage?), plumbing, taxes, internet access and how reliable their furnaces are, all in our self-learned italian.  I must say I am VERY impressed with Ron, who is entirely self-taught (I lived here for a year many years ago).

We have also found out about several high schools, middle schools, primary schools and kindergartens, again, all in Italian.  We are put at ease by the sweetness of the students.  Absolutely lovely.

How can one help but fall in love with the Colli Albani?  These hillside towns are charming, the food incredible, and the people delightful.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Happy 20th Anniversary

Here are Ron and I at the airport in Philadelphia. It's hard to believe that today we have been married 20 years.  And we are on our way to Rome, to look for housing and schools for our kids.  Can you believe it?  What an amazing way to spend one's 20th anniversary!  The travels dates just happened to fall here, based on Ron's work schedule.  But to me, it is uncanny.  If you had told me on our wedding day, "In 20 years from today, you'll be on a plane to Italy, to look for a place to live with your 6 kids," I would have been flabbergasted.  What a life--its one wild ride!  Ron, thank you for marrying me!  I love you!