Thursday, February 26, 2015


I think little Sebastian needs surgery--tubes put in his ears.  We are back to the doctor today treat his third consecutive pair of ear infections.  Up in the night with a spiked fever--again.  Poor guy.
      I wonder what the doctor can do for me!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Offering Up The Flu

   I have had the flu for the past five days.  I kept trying to pray and offer it up.  But I couldn't really get into it.  Finally, I asked, "Why do we do that, again?  What is the point of it?"
    Suddenly, an image came to mind that I have never had before.  As I pictured Christ carrying his cross, I could imagine all the people before that moment, all the people during that moment, and then all the people after that moment, and their going to heaven or not, all depending on that one moment.  I mean, eternal salvation--that's a BIG DEAL for any one person.  And imagining that for each and every person who has ever lived.  And realizing that Christ's passion, death and resurrection made the chance for each of us to go to heaven.  The weight of it floored me.
    So suddenly, lying there with a 103.5 fever that just would not break, glistening in sweat, I thought, "Yes, I join myself to THAT MOMENT.  I join this suffering to that much greater suffering, in the chance that God would see fit to allow it to participate in that work, that divine and saving work."  I pictured my loved ones, one by one, and asked that God would bring us all to heaven together, to enjoy the divine banquet, the big feast.
    I can't wait.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

A Mother's Ash Wednesday Prayer

Dear Jesus,
   Please help me to be renewed, restored and enlivened by the Holy Spirit this Lent.  Please help me to embrace the cross, experiencing it to the fullest, so that I may one day enjoy the Resurrection to the fullest.
    Let me say "Yes" to all of the day's challenges, each day this Lent: the fevers, the sicknesses, the messes, the tears, the bad behavior, the bad grades, the empty cupboards and the mountains of laundry.
    For the love in my heart of Jesus, for my becoming united to Him, please let me be united to His cross, and see this as a chance for delightful intimacy with Him.
    Please let me be purified of my sins, especially self-pity, anger, and impatience.  Please give me your eyes of faith, and torrents of kindness, patience and peace in moments of trial.  Please help me, despite my recalcitrance, immaturity and pride, to one day become a saint in your kingdom, and let my family and I enjoy heaven together forever.
     In Jesus Name I Pray,

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Changes are Afoot and the Rombs House!

    Mary is beginning school today!  I cannot believe it.  Here are our two school girls!  I have been SO SAD to lose her.  She is such a wonderful help and joy to be around.  But the good news is that Clare gets to be the oldest in the house for 8 hours a day!  Clare and Leigh get to become grown-up and learn some responsibility and manners!  I am thrilled about that for them.  I like this "send a child off for 6th/7th grade" policy.  It's looking good!

And Jake just completed his rocket for Cistercian--way cool!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Six Months Old!

I cannot believe that Sebastian Peter is SIX MONTHS OLD!!  Happy Birthday, Sebastian!
This time of his life is so precious.  It is passing so fast.  I know that soon, he will grow out of his little blue sleepers that used to be Jake's.  They will never be worn again!  I just can't believe how fleeting this time is.  I sort of want to cry.
     I am tired, and this six months has certainly worn me down.  He has a double ear infection, and is on his second round of antibiotics.  He has been up in the night with fevers.  My back is sore, my neck is out.  But wow, what a blessing!  I would not wish this time to go one bit faster.
    This time period is, in a beautiful way, like the cross: it is challenging, and it bears losses for me, but it is MORE than worth it. It is a life-giving sacrifice.  His little life is going to become a huge and wonderful reality.  I cannot wait to get a hug, one day, from my six-foot-tall basketball player!  I cannot wait to hear him call me "Mom."  I cannot wait to find out what he likes, what he dislikes, what makes him tick.  For the rest of his life, as he is out exploring the world and engaging in his community, I will think back fondly on this time, spending all day with him, smiling at him, interacting with his sweet self, and having him nestle sweetly in my arms.  Oh how I love him!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Angels Watching Over Me

   So I was driving down the street, and my radio was on.  I was singing and enjoying the ride.  For some crazy reason, I thought, "Turn the radio off immediately."  So, thinking it a strange thought, I did.  Well, I could hear this "Rat-a-tat-tat" noise.  So I pulled over.  I could not see any flat tires.  So I kept driving.  But I could still hear it.  So I pulled into a gas station.  The air pump was broken.  I pulled into a tire shop.  They were closed.  I pulled into a third tires shop.  Look what they found!

     A HUGE screw in the tire!  The guy said it was just minutes away from the whole tire bursting.  
Can you believe I avoided a flat on the highway??  Instead, I peacefully drove into a tire shop and paid a measely $5 to patch the tire.  A flat would have cost me big bucks and an hour of intense stress, redirecting traffic on the interstate.  
     Why, I ask you, did I even turn that radio off?  There was no good reason.  I am positive it was my guardian angel!  Mine is so vigilant--I am so grateful! 

Monday, February 9, 2015

Rombs Family

   What an enjoyable weekend in Alvin with Rombs family!  Ron's grandparents are approaching 90 and are still going strong!  Here is Aunt Elizabeth with her granddaughter, Peyton:

And here is PawPaw Ronnie making his famous vegetable meal: 

We are so blessed to have such wonderful family! God Bless the Rombses!  

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Like, Immediately!

   We were up late, watching the Super Bowl.  At 9 o'clock, Ron said, "Annie, don't you think it's past your bedtime?  Shouldn't you go to bed?"
    She replied, "Like, immediately!"
    Good girl, she is, knowing her limits!