Wednesday, January 30, 2013


   I gave my testimony at the women's retreat I went on last weekend.  I go every year, and for some reason, this year they asked me to give my testimony.
   My testimony was about the power of Christ's love, the power of the Eucharist: being broken, like Christ, for others.  I linked this "being broken for others" with motherhood.
    At one point, I was telling about plunging a stopped up toilet.  I decided to offer up this experience for a prayer intention, and then God answered the prayer.  In the testimony I said, "Had I been a lawyer, a professor, an author, no law, class presentation or book could have brought that result about."  I said, "Standing there, covered in poo, was my most powerful option."
    The crowd, which had been clapping and responding vibrantly until then, broke out into a full-throttle roar.  They clapped so loudly that I threw up my arms in victory.  They cheered louder.
     I got so many comments afterwards, to the effect that this one moment validated their entire experience of choosing motherhood over other illustrious career choices.  It meant so much to me to give them that gift.  I am grateful, so grateful to God that He has refined this message to me: "Motherhood is not just nice; it is POWERFUL.  Don not underestimate its power!"  I love proclaiming this heaven-sent word!  

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Cancer and Being Ready

    Ron topped off his month of having the flu with a colonoscopy.  Sadly, it revealed pre-cancerous tumors.
    His mother having died one year ago almost to the date of his colonoscopy from colon cancer, it was an emotional find.  We both really took a hit.
    But in a way, her losing her life will likely save his--early detection is the key.  So there is not much to be worried about in the long run, God willing.  But it is still sad in its own way.

   A month ago, I had a prayer time in which I felt like God was saying, "Are you ready?"  That usually means ". . . ready for a crisis."  I do not know why He is so good to me, to often give me a little "heads up."  He does it almost every time I am about to have a problem--it is really, really gentle and kind of Him!!  I told Him I was more than ready.  I clung onto the Cross like it was a lifesaver.

   I do not know if this is the crisis He meant.  But the image came to me again in Mass on Sunday.  I was hanging onto the Cross like an inner tube as I was flying through rapids.  I was taken aback by the image.  Then I remembered my prayer from a month ago.

  I love His Cross.  It is my safety, my comfort, and my happiness!


Happy Anniversary!!  We have made it over a month with the flu!  We have had 2 strands of it, and almost every one has had both varieties!

Although it is hard, there are some perks.  The main one is that my affection for each person in the family has grown--seeing them so feeble and tender, it makes your heart break!

Monday, January 7, 2013

What's grosser than gross?

Annie's ring pop!
Just a small "taste" of the 11 hour car ride home!

Of course, all the girls got one.  And of course, Annie's wound up--DISGUSTING!!!!

Being "Off the Grid"

    Then we drove to NM and rented a little cabin.  When I say "little," I mean 900 sq. ft. for seven people!  A little bit of Heaven!

Here are the children who did NOT want to get cold: 

And here are the children who could not get enough of the snow!

I had the best week.  
I wrote a whole essay as well as worked on a collection of aphorisms.  
I sat and did not move much.  
I learned what the A-DEP function on my camera is, and how I should use it if I do not want to use the flash.  
I prayed a lot.  
I knitted a lot.  
I love being "off the grid"!

Rocky Mountain High

     We Googled "Yerts for rent" and found a YMCA camp in the Rockies.  While they no longer had yerts available, we stayed in the family lodge.  CHEAP!  And unlimited ice skating, sledding, snow shoeing and cross country skiing.  AMAZING!  We loved it!  The best part for me: HUGE buffet--camp eating.  The kids scarfed down the food.  And it came with the room! NO COOKING for me!!!