Sunday, July 31, 2011

A Watershed Week

     Ron is coming home today after 8 days away!
     I prayed fervently that the good of the week would outweigh the bad.  But I could not imagine how that could possibly come to pass!  Oh ye of little faith.
     This week has been one of the best of my life.  I have been "off the grid"--almost no phone or computer use, no TV or electronics.
     I spent the week looking into my children's eyes, having real conversations.  At first, they were so unused to real conversations that I had to work on it!  One child could only make one sentence, and then another one was interjecting his or her thoughts on the topic.  So I said, "Please leave the room for five minutes while I finish my conversation with so and so."  The other three would stand at the door and listen to every syllable.  But at least they were silent!  Interrupting, they learned, is not just in the middle of a sentence--it can be in the middle of a paragraph, too.
    So a couple of days later, these four children are standing more erect, smiling a little brighter, carrying the sense that their mother has heard them and understands what they are feeling and thinking.
    But that is just the beginning!
    Mary and Jacob learned to crochet!  Our homeschooling group hosted a crochet workshop.  Jake and Mary have taken off!

I walked up the staircase last night to put Annie down, and Mary and Jake's long limbs were draped over the arms of our armchairs, as they concentrated on their next stitch. How grown up they looked!  Twice and long and four times as capable as the little munchkins I still think they are!
     Clare and Leigh, Mary and Jake have all started latch hook projects.
     We have been reading Pollyanna aloud as well as William Blake poems (thanks for the Blake for Children book, Uncle Joe!).
     And thanks to Martha's feast day, all four children have been wearing aprons and whipping up salads, toasting and buttering bagels and Ezekiel bread, making bean and cheese nachos and mixing yogurt with different flavors.  Four cooks in the kitchen!

We have become a true Charlotte Mason family!  Hooray!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Martha's Feast Day

     Today we celebrated the feast of Martha of Bethany.  I got this idea from Treasure Chest of Traditions for Catholic Families by Monica McConkey. 
Since Martha is the patron of cooking, the book suggests that the non-cooks prepare a meal for the cooks in the family!  
So we started the day with telling/reading the 2 Bible stories of St. Martha and discussing them.  (My kids all picked up on her bold personality, and how she was always telling Jesus what he should be doing!  They liked her spunk).  We discussed how his greatest miracle of raising Lazarus from the dead was upon her faith: "Jesus, if you had been here, my brother would not have died."  Sheer faith!  But we also discussed how awesome it was in the cooking episode how she was corrected by Jesus, and learned.  She is a saint in part because she was teachable.  My kids (and I!) perked up at this idea of being able to be a saint even if you've been wrong. 

Then I told them that in honor of the patron of cooking, they get to cook me a meal!  "Prepare it, set the table, and I'll be your guest.  Then you get to clean it up." 
They were THRILLED.  They got out their aprons and have been cooking since 8 am!  They made Jello and salad and Ezekiel toast with toppings.  Water and napkins at every seat.  

It was the most delicious salad I have ever eaten.  I was crying as I was eating it.  It was so special!!  The kids were just delighted, and so proud. 

(But their clean up job left something to be desired. . . .!) 

Saturday, July 23, 2011

A Socratic Faith

     To be a good Catholic, I have to be a good Platonist.
     The world around us, its messages, value system, and goals, are not really real.
     What is really real is beyond us, and only the Socratic fool is able to see and know.
     Reaffirming my faith means saying "Yes" to the apparently "foolish" and going into the deep.
     The deep is radical love, radical humility, radical cheerfulness, radical joy--fueled by an intense proximity to the Source of it all.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Top 10 Favorites

My Top Ten Favorite Things from the Past Week:

10. That I cannot talk on the phone or get on my computer because Annie loves to suck on the phone and punch her dirty little hands into the keyboard, and scream her piercing scream if I say no (totally adorable, really and won't last forever!). :)

9. Having a Mom in my home last week who had a severely deformed baby--one of my real fears is having one myself--and seeing the glow of beauty and love radiating from both of them.  A powerful lesson to me, just by being in the presence of this woman.

8. My children being so well behaved and quiet upstairs while I had a homeschool event downstairs that the women never heard them once in 6 hours!  (They did have a babysitter, but still!)

7. Clare giving Leigh swimming lessons, and Leigh really swimming.

6. Clare having to earn her last birthday present due to a punishment for taking out toys while Mary and Leigh were putting toys away (she has to get a "check" on her chart for being "Very Helpful" every day for 12 days), and Clare truly metamorphosing--glowing as she asks, "How may I help you, Mom?"and volunteering work--before my very eyes.

5. Coming downstairs one morning and Clare announcing, "Mom, I started a load of laundry.  Darks."

4. Annie's wave and words: "Bye bye!" or "Hi!"

3. Turning down the offer to speak at the Magnificat Breakfast the November, not knowing why God asked this of me (except that I know I want to give my best attention to my family rather than a public engagement), and being pleased as punch that I know I have been obedient and that it is the right thing to do.

2. Mary taking over the job of cutting flowers and keeping our vases full every day with zinnias from our first ever successful cut-flower garden.  (CHECK OUT THE CARROTS, TOO!)

1. Jake wanting so desperately to do modern history this upcoming year, that he asked if he could read our unfinished history book from the previous period in the upcoming weeks so that he would be caught up and ready (oh my gosh!  Really??!!?).  

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

You know you have a lot of kids when. . .

. . .you go through an entire can of spray sunscreen in one application of the whole family!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

What a wedding!!!!

Jake, Mary, Leigh and I in Napa Valley!

Time with Aunt Melia!!

A happy mother and daughter!

Praying for Aunt Kimmy in the church the day before the wedding. . .


A raucous party, including a special feature: James Brown (R. Kreiling) and the famous flames (Melia, Kim and Kathryn)!
What a send off!  Throwing lavender at Mr. and Mrs. Miller!
What a truly joyous occasion.  I cannot get the image of beautiful Kimmy in her wedding dress out of my mind.  I've never seen someone so beautiful!!!

                                                                                            (Thanks Melia, for most of these pics!)